November Update!

Hello my little droplets of Mizu!

OKAY OKAY, I am really bad at this blogging stuff. I promise when my life gets much more interesting, I will actually be able to post more content for people who have been following me.

First of all, thank you all for the likes, and taking the time to read what I post, I really do appreciate it.

Now what/where have I been? Well I had some family issues, which I won’t go into detail happen. I also had exams and university work, normal work, plus the countless nights of me playing League of Legends, watching YouTube, watching TV shows, as if you are an avid TV addict such as myself, you would know that all the good TV series came back in September. Plus I just had exams, so I needed some me time to get my sleep back.

Now let’s talk about what I have done! As you can see, I have changed my theme to something which is MUCH more easier to use. I have done a 20 Questions for a new About Me page, as well as a Music page. I still need to figure out how to post things onto those pages though…..At the moment, it’s just a general post.

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